Friday, September 2, 2016

Feed My Sheep

Last year McDermott Road began delivering fruits and veggies to an area of McKinney where grocery stores are scarce.  It is the area north of Dallas, about two miles from the Samaritan Inn. The Samaritan Inn is the nearest homeless shelter in our area.  It's where we try to get our homeless guest who visit Metro Relief.  It allows them to stay in our area.

On the first Friday of each month McDermott Road members meet at the church building at noon to take the van and trailer over to Avenue F Church of Christ.  There we bag up packs of fruits and vegetables. Today we had potatoes, apples, onions, carrots, zucchini, corn, jalapenos, tomatoes, and bananas.  Each bag also contains information to connect with World Bible School.   We made 70 adult bags and 70 youth bags of fresh fruits and veggie.

When we completed the bags of food, we headed over to Fitzhugh Park in McKinney. This is the same park where we've done Popsicles in the Park several times during the summer months.  It's also not too far from the Allen Community Outreach where the church youth group have served in the past.

With the pop up canopy and tables in place we were ready to start helping the guests.  Each person who stopped by received food.  Abigail and others helped with the returning guests; I worked with the new guests and Frankie worked with Michael and Monnie manning the trailer!   We set up to serve food from 3pm to 5pm, but by 4pm we were out of food!

Next month the girls and I look forward to more guest and the guys have already upped our order for food!

Share your food with the hungry
    and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter
Isaiah 58:7

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