Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Gift of the M.A.G.I.

In November we were able to pack M.A.G.I. (Making a Godly Impact) boxes for Healing Hands International that were headed to Honduras and South Texas.  Today the kids and I along with 70+ other volunteers packed boxes headed to Zambia, South Africa.  The containers will leave Texas this month and will head up to Nashville where more boxes will be loaded. The container will eventually be loaded on a ship and arrive in Africa in a few months. The Namwianga Mission will distribute the boxes to the wonderful children of Zambia

The boxes we loaded today had toiletries, soap, wash cloth, tooth brush, tooth paste. They also included underwear, clothing for boys and dresses for the girls because the girls aren't permitted to wear anything but dresses.  Each box also included hard candy, coloring books, colored pencils, small toys and English Bibles. 

Churches of Christ throughout the brotherhood packed the boxes and the volunteers today double checked and sorted the packages.   Each box also included a personal note.  They are message of encouragement and love.  Check out Healing Hands; God's healing, your hands! 

Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.  Acts 4:30

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