Friday, November 21, 2014

English Country Dancing Christmas Ball

Ever wonder how a couple hundred homeschoolers celebrate the upcoming Christmas holiday season?  Well, they put on early 1900's dress clothing and head to a lovely 1899 restored farmhouse for an evening of dancing.  They danced all evening with friends doing the English Country Dances they have practiced all year. 
The farmhouse is used for parties and wedding venues, so it was absolutely lovely with the Christmas lights and decorations. 
One of my favorite things about events like this is that the entire family can participate.  If younger siblings want to dance, they are welcomed. Check out the picture in the lower right hand corner of Caleb dancing with the little girl in the pink dress!  
So if you've wondered how homeschoolers spend a Friday night, well, they spend it out dancing and celebrating 'til midnight with a large group of friends.  Not really different from any other teens . . . OK, maybe a little different.  But I'm OK with that!
Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking.  II Peter 3:1

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